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Our Program & Services

Our Program

Clients are typically referred to the Let's Work program through an outside source (i.e. Social Worker, Counselling Agencies, Occupational Therapist, Physician, Psychologist, Employment Counsellor, Addiction & Mental Health Services Worker, Department of Social Development Case Manager, Employment Assistance Service (EAS) Provider, other community partners,  human service agencies, etc.)

“Workforce ready”

To access Let’s Work services, individuals would be deemed “workforce” ready. To be workforce ready there is an assumption that one can gain and maintain employment with or without support. Those accessing our services must be able to dedicate a reasonable amount of time to job searching and be willing to engage in various activities (some independently) as outlined in the individualized employment action plan created with a Let's Work Employment Counsellor.

*Note: Let’s Work is not considered to be a job placement agency. We are an Employment Counselling service, and will work collaboratively to ensure that our Let's Work clients are prepared and supported to effectively search for employment on their own towards their future.


Once an individual is referred to our program we will contact them within 3-5 business days to schedule an intake assessment meeting. During the intake assessment, the client will meet with our Let’s Work Program Manager to review necessary paperwork, and also discuss their employment goals. During that initial meeting we can together gauge where they are currently at, and discuss moving towards their employment goals. They are then assigned to a well-suited Let's Work Employment Counsellor for next meetings going forward; and will discuss their skills, strengths and areas to focus on within the EAP (Employment Action Plan) they create based on their individual needs.



Once we have assisted the client in determining an employment goal and an Employment Action Plan has been mutually agreed upon, we offer a number of services based from that client's individual needs, which include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Job search exploration and assistance with job applications

  • Resume and cover letter preparation and revision assistance

  • Job interview coaching (including conducting mock interviews, assistance with informational interviews, etc.)

  • Assistance acquiring and maintaining wage subsidy programs

  • Support

  • Employment maintenance

  • Advocacy as needed

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Pre-Employment Services

We recognize that it can be hard to know where to begin your job search. These last few years post-Covid have changed, shifted and evolved many aspects of Employment and working well. Let’s Work offers a range of pre-employment services including, but not limited to:
•           Resume and cover letter preparation.
•           Assistance in completing job applications.
•           Skills training as required in areas such as interview skills,

social skills, workplace, and interpersonal boundaries and etiquette.
•           Referrals to relevant programs to seek funding for participants who require further training in either general or specific areas, including digital literacy, first aid/CPR, and Workplace Essential Skills (WES) programs, etc. 


Supportive Job Search & Job Development

Finding the right job can at times be overwhelming and bring on added stress, we are happy to provide supportive job search assistance and provide that experienced objective point-of-view.

Supportive job search services include:

•           Identifying job market opportunities and assisting in   the search for employment.

•           Aid in the creation of a job search action plan that takes into account mental health needs and employment interests.
•           Creating liaisons with various government departments and accessing funding and job creation programs on behalf of clients.
•           Approaching employers on behalf of clients, depending on their situation and barriers.

Employment Maintenance

One of the unique aspects of the Let's Work program is that our support does not end once a client has been employed. While finding employment can seem like a challenge, maintaining employment can be at times when the real hard work begins for some. Once a client has found employment, we remain connected with them during the initial period of employment (or longer, depending on the needs of the individual). We offer employment maintenance counselling services to our clients as a way of guiding them through the new challenges of beginning and maintaining a new job.
We are able to mediate conflict and problem-solve with employers/employees in the event that conflict and problems arise, to help ensure that those we work with can keep their jobs.

Succulent Plant and Binder Clips

Funded by the Government of Canada and the Province of New Brunswick through the Canada-New Brunswick Labour Market Agreements.

Succulent Plant and Binder Clips
Pastel Pen
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